075 - Azure spring cleaning
It's time for an Azure spring cleaning! In this episode, we talk about cleaning up your Azure subscriptions and Azure AD tenants. We talk a little bit about governance but focus more on the practicalities - what tools to use, what to clean, how to conduct those discussions with stakeholders, and why you should worry about the cost. Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question.
- REST API for querying SAS tokens in a Storage Account (Microsoft Docs)
- Azure Clean!
Creators and Guests
Jussi Roine | Microsoft MVP
Hey 👋 Awesome with Security + AI. Building high-performing businesses | Microsoft MVP/MCM/MCT | Ctrl+Alt+Azure 🎙️ | Dad of 3 | Powerlifting + 🥦
Tobias Zimmergren
Principal Content Lead @Microsoft. Co-host @CtrlAltAzure. Tweets about #azure, #security, #cybersecurity, #architecture, and more. Ex MVP (13yrs)